
publications by categories in reversed chronological order. generated by jekyll-scholar.


  1. sun2024.webp
    Can Machine Learning Overcome the 95% Failure Rate and Reality that Only 30% of Approved Cancer Drugs Meaningfully Extend Patient Survival?
    Duxin Sun , Christian Macedonia , Zhigang Chen , and 14 more authors
    Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, Sep 2024
  2. raymond2024joint.png
    Joint Optimization of Piecewise Linear Ensembles
    Matt Raymond , Angela Violi, and Clayton Scott
    May 2024
  3. raymond2024universal.png
    Universal Feature Selection for Simultaneous Interpretability of Multitask Datasets
    Matt Raymond , Jacob Charles Saldinger , Paolo Elvati , and 2 more authors
    Mar 2024
  4. saldinger2024predicting.jpg
    Predicting aggregation rates of polycyclic aromatics through machine learning
    Jacob C. Saldinger , Paolo Elvati , Karam Alrawi , and 1 more author
    Fuel, Mar 2024


  1. zhuravlyov2023finite.jpg
    Finite-size effects in the static structure factor S(k) and \S(0) for a two-dimensional Yukawa liquid
    Vitaliy Zhuravlyov , J. Goree , Paolo Elvati , and 1 more author
    Phys. Rev. E, Sep 2023
  2. Ab Initio Thermochemistry of Highly Flexible Molecules for Thermal Decomposition Analysis
    Hyunguk Kwon , and Giannis Mpourmpakis
    Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, Jun 2023
  3. saldinger2023domain.jpg
    Domain-agnostic predictions of nanoscale interactions in proteins and nanoparticles
    Jacob Charles Saldinger , Matt Raymond , Paolo Elvati , and 1 more author
    Nature Computational Science, May 2023
  4. elvati2023molecular.jpg
    Molecular Architecture and Helicity of Bacterial Amyloid Nanofibers: Implications for the Design of Nanoscale Antibiotics
    Paolo Elvati , Chloe Luyet , Yichun Wang , and 4 more authors
    ACS Applied Nano Materials, Apr 2023
  5. luyet2023low.jpg
    Low-THz Vibrations of Biological Membranes
    Chloe Luyet , Paolo Elvati , Jordan Vinh , and 1 more author
    Membranes, Jan 2023
  6. shao2023elucidating.jpg
    Elucidating the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons involved in soot inception
    Can Shao , Qi Wang , Wen Zhang , and 7 more authors
    Commun Chem, Oct 2023
  7. Exploring soot inception rate with stochastic modelling and machine learning
    Luke Di Liddo , Jacob C. Saldinger , Mehdi Jadidi , and 3 more authors
    Combustion and Flame, Oct 2023
    Special issue and Perspective on the Chemistry and Physics of Carbonaceious Particle Formation
  8. saldinger2023machine.jpg
    A machine learning framework to predict the aggregation of polycyclic aromatic compounds
    Jacob C. Saldinger , Paolo Elvati , and Angela Violi
    Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, Oct 2023


  1. baranwal2022struct2graph.jpg
    Struct2Graph: a graph attention network for structure based predictions of protein–protein interactions
    Abram Baranwal , Jacob Saldinger , Emine S. Turali-emre , and 6 more authors
    BMC Bioinformatics, Sep 2022
  2. A Multiphysics Modeling of Electromagnetic Signaling Phenomena at kHz-GHz Frequencies in Bacterial Biofilms
    Navid Barani , Kamal Sarabandi , Nicholas A. Kotov , and 4 more authors
    IEEE Access, Apr 2022
  3. cha2022unifying.jpg
    Unifying structural descriptors for biological and bioinspired nanoscale complexes
    Minjeong Cha , Emine Sumeyra Turali Emre , Xiongye Xiao , and 5 more authors
    Nature Computational Science, Apr 2022
  4. li2022distance.jpg
    Distance-dependent resonance energy transfer in alkyl-terminated Si nanocrystal solids
    Zhaohan Li , Zachary L. Robinson , Paolo Elvati , and 2 more authors
    The Journal of Chemical Physics, Mar 2022
  5. Structural characterization of PSMa1 functional amyloids in Staphylococcus aureus biofilm
    Chloe Luyet , Paolo Elvati , Yichun Wang , and 4 more authors
    Biophysical Journal, Feb 2022
  6. zhuravlyov2022comparison.jpg
    Comparison of the static structure factor at long wavelengths for a dusty plasma liquid and other liquids
    Vitaliy Zhuravlyov , J. Goree , Jack F. Douglas , and 2 more authors
    Phys. Rev. E, Nov 2022
  7. hubbard2022chiral.jpg
    Chiral chromatography and surface chirality of carbon nanoparticles
    Misché A. Hubbard , Chloe Luyet , Prashant Kumar , and 4 more authors
    Chirality, Nov 2022
  8. kim2022uncertainty.jpg
    Uncertainty-based weight determination for surrogate optimization
    Doohyun Kim , and Angela Violi
    Combustion and Flame, Nov 2022


  1. shi2021growth.jpg
    On the growth of Si nanoparticles in non-thermal plasma: physisorption to chemisorption conversion
    Xuetao Shi , Paolo Elvati , and Angela Violi
    Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, Jun 2021
  2. liu2021drug.jpg
    On Drug-Membrane Permeability of Antivirals for SARS-CoV-2
    Paolo Liu , and Angela Violi
    The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, Feb 2021
  3. lanham2021scaling.jpg
    Scaling of silicon nanoparticle growth in low temperature flowing plasmas
    Steven J. Lanham , Jordyn Polito , Xuetao Shi , and 3 more authors
    Journal of Applied Physics, Oct 2021
  4. he2021oxidation.jpg
    Oxidation of 2,6-dimethylheptane at low temperature: Kinetic modeling and experimental study
    Tanjin He , Doohyun Kim , Tyler Dillstrom , and 6 more authors
    Fuel, Oct 2021
  5. saldinger2021stochastic.jpg
    Stochastic and network analysis of polycyclic aromatic growth in a coflow diffusion flame
    Jacob C. Saldinger , Paolo Elvati , and Angela Violi
    Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., Oct 2021
  6. shi2021reaction.jpg
    Reaction pathways for the formation of five-membered rings onto polyaromatic hydrocarbon framework
    Xuetao Shi , Qi Wang , and Angela Violi
    Fuel, Oct 2021
  7. violi2021combustion.jpg
    Combustion by-products and their health effects: Summary of the 16th international congress
    Angela Violi, Stephania Cormier , Brian Gullett , and 5 more authors
    Fuel, Oct 2021
  8. wang2021molecular.jpg
    Molecular structures in flames: A comparison between SNapS2 and recent AFM results
    Qi Wang , Jacob C. Saldinger , Paolo Elvati , and 1 more author
    Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, Oct 2021


  1. On sparse identification of complex dynamical systems: A study on discovering influential reactions in chemical reaction networks
    Farshad Harirchi , Doohyun Kim , Omar Khalil , and 5 more authors
    Fuel, Nov 2020
  2. liu2020molecular.jpg
    Molecular Dynamics Study of Dehydrated Lipopolysaccharide Membrane
    Changjiang Liu , Paolo Elvati , and Angela Violi
    bioRxiv, Nov 2020
  3. saldinger2020characterizing.jpg
    Characterizing the diversity of aromatics in a coflow diffusion Jet A-1 surrogate flame
    Jacob C. Saldinger , Qi Wang , Paolo Elvati , and 1 more author
    Fuel, Nov 2020
  4. shi2020chemical.jpg
    Chemical pathways for the formation of benzofuran and dibenzofuran in combustion
    Xuetao Shi , Qi Wang , and Angela Violi
    Combustion and Flame, Nov 2020
  5. wang2020insights.jpg
    Insights on the effect of ethanol on the formation of aromatics
    Qi Wang , Jacob C. Saldinger , Paolo Elvati , and 1 more author
    Fuel, Nov 2020
  6. Chemical kinetic modeling study of methyl esters oxidation: Improvement on the prediction of early CO2 formation
    Yi Zhou , Yunhua Gan , and Xiaolong Gou
    Fuel, Nov 2020


  1. liu2019predicting.jpg
    Predicting the Time of Entry of Nanoparticles in Lipid Membranes
    Changjiang Liu , Paolo Elvati , Sagardip Majumder , and 3 more authors
    ACS Nano, Sep 2019
  2. wang2019anti.jpg
    Anti-Biofilm Activity of Graphene Quantum Dots via Self-Assembly with Bacterial Amyloid Proteins
    Yichun Wang , Usha Kadiyala , Zhibei Qu , and 5 more authors
    ACS Nano, Apr 2019
  3. baranwal2019deep.jpg
    A deep learning architecture for metabolic pathway prediction
    Mayank Baranwal , Abram Magner , Paolo Elvati , and 3 more authors
    Bioinformatics, Dec 2019
  4. elvati2019role.jpg
    The role of molecular properties on the dimerization of aromatic compounds
    Paolo Elvati , Kirk Turrentine , and Angela Violi
    Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, Dec 2019
  5. A New Data-Driven Sparse-Learning Approach to Study Chemical Reaction Networks
    Farshad Harirchi , Doohyun Kim , Omar A. Khalil , and 4 more authors
    Dec 2019
  6. kang2019effect.jpg
    The effect of molecular structures of alkylbenzenes on ignition characteristics of binary n-heptane blends
    Dongil Kang , Doohyun Kim , Kwang Hee Yoo , and 2 more authors
    Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, Dec 2019
  7. kang2019experimental1.jpg
    Experimental characterization of jet fuels under engine relevant conditions – Part 2: Insights on optimization approach for surrogate formulation
    Dongil Kang , Doohyun Kim , Vickey Kalaskar , and 2 more authors
    Fuel, Dec 2019
  8. kang2019experimental2.jpg
    Experimental characterization of jet fuels under engine relevant conditions – Part 1: Effect of chemical composition on autoignition of conventional and alternative jet fuels
    Dongil Kang , Doohyun Kim , Vickey Kalaskar , and 2 more authors
    Fuel, Dec 2019
  9. Two-stage ignition behavior and octane sensitivity of toluene reference fuels as gasoline surrogate
    Doohyun Kim , Charles K. Westbrook , and Angela Violi
    Combustion and Flame, Dec 2019
  10. wang2019spatial.jpg
    Spatial dependence of the growth of polycyclic aromatic compounds in an ethylene counterflow flame
    Qi Wang , Paolo Elvati , Doohyun Kim , and 4 more authors
    Carbon, Dec 2019


  1. elvati2018homo.jpg
    Homo-dimerization of oxygenated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons under flame conditions
    P. Elvati , and A. Violi
    Fuel, Dec 2018
  2. kim2018hydrocarbons.jpg
    Hydrocarbons for the next generation of jet fuel surrogates
    Doohyun Kim , and Angela Violi
    Fuel, Dec 2018


  1. johansson2017critical.jpg
    Critical Assessment of Photoionization Efficiency Measurements for Characterization of Soot-Precursor Species
    K. Olof Johansson , Judit Zádor , Paolo Elvati , and 6 more authors
    The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, Jun 2017
  2. johansson2017photoionization.jpg
    Photoionization Efficiencies of Five Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons
    K. Olof Johansson , Matthew F. Campbell , Paolo Elvati , and 6 more authors
    The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, Jun 2017
  3. The Effects of Injection Timing and Injected Fuel Mass on Local Charge Conditions and Emissions for Gasoline Direct Injection Engines
    Doohyun Kim , Angela Violi, and André Boehman
    Oct 2017
  4. dillstrom2017effect.jpg
    The effect of reaction mechanisms on the formation of soot precursors in flames
    Tyler Dillstrom , and Angela Violi
    Combustion Theory and Modelling, Oct 2017
  5. elvati2017graphene.jpg
    Graphene quantum dots: effect of size, composition and curvature on their assembly
    Paolo Elvati , Elizabeth Baumeister , and Angela Violi
    RSC Adv., Oct 2017
  6. Oxygen driven soot formation
    P. Elvati , V.t. Dillstrom , and A. Violi
    Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, Oct 2017
  7. A Data-Driven Sparse-Learning Approach to Model Reduction in Chemical Reaction Networks
    Farshad Harirchi , Omar A. Khalil , Sijia Liu , and 3 more authors
    Oct 2017
  8. johansson2017radical.jpg
    Radical-radical reactions, pyrene nucleation, and incipient soot formation in combustion
    K. Olof Johansson , Tyler Dillstrom , Paolo Elvati , and 7 more authors
    Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, Oct 2017
  9. Experimental Validation of Jet Fuel Surrogates in an Optical Engine
    T Kim , X Luo , M Al-Sadoon , and 6 more authors
    In , Oct 2017
  10. kim2017relative.jpg
    The Relative Importance of Fuel Oxidation Chemistry and Physical Properties to Spray Ignition
    Doohyun Kim , J Martz , and Angela Violi
    Oct 2017
  11. A six-component surrogate for emulating the physical and chemical characteristics of conventional and alternative jet fuels and their blends
    Doohyun Kim , Jason Martz , Andrew Abdul-nour , and 3 more authors
    Combustion and Flame, Oct 2017


  1. russ2016c60.jpg
    C60 fullerene localization and membrane interactions in RAW 264.7 immortalized mouse macrophages
    K A Russ , P Elvati , T L Parsonage , and 8 more authors
    Nanoscale, Feb 2016
  2. suzuki2016chiral.jpg
    Chiral Graphene Quantum Dots
    Nozomu Suzuki , Yichun Wang , Paolo Elvati , and 10 more authors
    ACS Nano, Feb 2016
  3. johansson2016formation.jpg
    Formation and emission of large furans and oxygenated hydrocarbons from flames
    K. Olof Johansson , Tyler Dillstrom , Matteo Monti , and 8 more authors
    Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Feb 2016
  4. kang2016experimental.jpg
    Experimental study of autoignition characteristics of Jet-A surrogates and their validation in a motored engine and a constant-volume combustion chamber
    Dongil Kang , Vickey Kalaskar , Doohyun Kim , and 3 more authors
    Fuel, Feb 2016
  5. kim2016effects.jpg
    Effects of fuel physical properties on direct injection spray and ignition behavior
    Doohyun Kim , Jason Martz , and Angela Violi
    Fuel, Feb 2016
  6. violi2016effects.jpg
    Effects of Combustion-Generated Nanoparticles on Cellular Membranes
    Angela Violi
    Combustion Science and Technology, Feb 2016


  1. ahmed2015size.jpg
    Size-and phase-dependent structure of copper(ii) oxide nanoparticles
    Alauddin Ahmed , Paolo Elvati , and Angela Violi
    RSC Adv., Feb 2015
  2. Soot precursor formation and limitations of the stabilomer grid
    K.O. Johansson , J.Y.W. Lai , S.A. Skeen , and 5 more authors
    Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, Feb 2015
  3. Towards a predictive model for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon dimerization propensity
    Jeffrey S. Lowe , Jason Y.W. Lai , Paolo Elvati , and 1 more author
    Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, Feb 2015
  4. Effects of a JP-8 surrogate and its components on soot in laminar, N2-diluted ethylene co-flow diffusion flames from 1 to 5atm
    Anne Geraldine Mouis , Thomas A. Litzinger , Yefu Wang , and 5 more authors
    Combustion and Flame, Feb 2015
  5. A Fuel Surrogate Validation Approach Using a JP-8 Fueled Optically Accessible Compression Ignition Engine
    X Yu , X Luo , M Jansons , and 3 more authors
    Feb 2015


  1. Photoionization Mass Spectrometric Measurements of Initial Reaction Pathways in Low-Temperature Oxidation of 2,5-Dimethylhexane
    Brandon Rotavera , Judit Zádor , Oliver Welz , and 9 more authors
    The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, Nov 2014
  2. Fast exploration of chemical reaction networks
    Paolo Elvati , and Angela Violi
    Nov 2014
  3. A surrogate for emulating the physical and chemical properties of conventional jet fuel
    Doohyun Kim , Jason Martz , and Angela Violi
    Combustion and Flame, Nov 2014
  4. Stochastic atomistic simulation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon growth in combustion
    Jason Y. W. Lai , Paolo Elvati , and Angela Violi
    Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., Nov 2014


  1. Reaction Pathways for the Thermal Decomposition of Methyl Butanoate
    Mohamad Akbar Ali , and Angela Violi
    The Journal of Organic Chemistry, Jan 2013
  2. Thermodynamics of poly-aromatic hydrocarbon clustering and the effects of substituted aliphatic chains
    Paolo Elvati , and Angela Violi
    Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, Jan 2013
  3. PAH dimerization as the first step to soot particle inception
    J Lowe , Paolo Elvati , and Angela Violi
    In , Jan 2013
  4. Studies of laminar opposed-flow diffusion flames of acetylene at low-pressures with photoionization mass spectrometry
    S.A. Skeen , B. Yang , H.A. Michelsen , and 3 more authors
    Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, Jan 2013
  5. Near-threshold photoionization mass spectra of combustion-generated high-molecular-weight soot precursors
    Scott A. Skeen , Hope A. Michelsen , Kevin R. Wilson , and 3 more authors
    Journal of Aerosol Science, Jan 2013


  1. Free Energy Calculation of Permeant-Membrane Interactions Using Molecular Dynamics Simulations
    Paolo Elvati , and Angela Violi
    Jan 2012
  2. The role of the methyl ester moiety in biodiesel combustion: A kinetic modeling comparison of methyl butanoate and n-butane
    Kuang C. Lin , Jason Y.W. Lai , and Angela Violi
    Fuel, Jan 2012


  1. Effect of Molecular Configuration on Binary Diffusion Coefficients of Linear Alkanes
    Kyungchan Chae , Paolo Elvati , and Angela Violi
    The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, Jan 2011
  2. Mutual diffusion coefficients of heptane isomers in nitrogen: A molecular dynamics study
    Kyungchan Chae , and Angela Violi
    The Journal of Chemical Physics, Jan 2011
  3. Peri-condensed aromatics with aliphatic chains as key intermediates for the nucleation of aromatic hydrocarbons
    Seung-Hyun Chung , and Angela Violi
    Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, Jan 2011
  4. Biodiesel combustion: Advances in chemical kinetic modeling
    Jason Y.W. Lai , Kuang C. Lin , and Angela Violi
    Progress in Energy and Combustion Science, Jan 2011


  1. Nucleation of fullerenes as a model for examining the formation of soot
    Seung Hyun Chung , and Angela Violi
    The Journal of Chemical Physics, May 2010
  2. Pyrolytic Hydrocarbon Growth from Cyclopentadiene
    Do Hyong Kim , James A. Mulholland , Dong Wang , and 1 more author
    The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, Dec 2010
  3. Simulation of Nanoparticle Permeation through a Lipid Membrane
    Steven L. Fiedler , and Angela Violi
    Biophysical Journal, Dec 2010
  4. Natural convection heat transfer of nanofluids in a vertical cavity: Effects of non-uniform particle diameter and temperature on thermal conductivity
    KC Lin , and Angela Violi
    Dec 2010


  1. Order-Disorder Phase Transformation of Triacylglycerols: Effect of the Structure of the Aliphatic Chains
    Wen-Dung Hsu , and Angela Violi
    The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, Jan 2009
  2. An experimental and computational study of methyl ester decomposition pathways using shock tubes
    A. Farooq , D.F. Davidson , R.K. Hanson , and 2 more authors
    Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, Jan 2009
  3. Simulating carbonaceous pollutant nanoparticles an aid to discovery
    S Fiedler , and Angela Violi
    Jan 2009


  1. Science-based model for particle formation from novel fuels
    A Violi
    Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Jul 2008
  2. Kinetics Study of the OH + Alkene \textrightarrow H2O + Alkenyl Reaction Class
    Lam K. Huynh , Kyle Barriger , and Angela Violi
    The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, Feb 2008
  3. Kinetic Modeling of Methyl Butanoate in Shock Tube
    Lam K. Huynh , Kuang C. Lin , and Angela Violi
    The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, Dec 2008
  4. Molecular dynamics simulation study of a pulmonary surfactant film interacting with a carbonaceous nanoparticle
    Seungho Choe , Rakwoo Chang , Jonggu Jeon , and 1 more author
    Biophys J, Nov 2008
  5. Thermal Decomposition of Methyl Butanoate:\thinspace Ab Initio Study of a Biodiesel Fuel Surrogate
    Lam K. Huynh , and Angela Violi
    The Journal of Organic Chemistry, Jan 2008
  6. Coarse-Graining in Time: From Microscopics to Macroscopics
    Angela Violi
    In Coarse-Graining of Condensed Phase and Biomolecular Systems , Jan 2008


  1. Thermal Decomposition of Decalin: An Ab Initio Study
    Kyungchan Chae , and Angela Violi
    The Journal of Organic Chemistry, Apr 2007
  2. Insights on the nanoparticle formation process in counterflow diffusion flames
    Seung Hyun Chung , and Angela Violi
    Carbon, Apr 2007
  3. Nanoparticle formation in counter-diffusion flames
    SH Chung , and Angela Violi
    In , Apr 2007
  4. The effect of temperature on nanoparticle clustering
    Steven L. Fiedler , Sergei Izvekov , and Angela Violi
    Carbon, Apr 2007
  5. Ab initio study on the methyl butanoate decomposition
    LK Huynh , and Angela Violi
    In , Apr 2007
  6. Soot primary particle formation from multiscale coarse-grained molecular dynamics simulation
    Angela Violi, and Sergei Izvekov
    Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, Apr 2007


  1. Combustion-generated nanoparticles produced in a benzene flame: A multiscale approach
    Angela Violi, and Arun Venkatnathan
    The Journal of Chemical Physics, Aug 2006
  2. A Coarse-Grained Molecular Dynamics Study of Carbon Nanoparticle Aggregation
    Sergei Izvekov , and Angela Violi
    Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, May 2006
  3. Formation of Naphthalene, Indene, and Benzene from Cyclopentadiene Pyrolysis:\thinspace A DFT Study
    Dong Wang , Angela Violi, Do Hyong Kim , and 1 more author
    The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, Apr 2006
  4. Insights into the Effect of Combustion-Generated Carbon Nanoparticles on Biological Membranes: A Computer Simulation Study
    Rakwoo Chang , and Angela Violi
    The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, Mar 2006
  5. Radical-Molecule Reactions for Aromatic Growth: A Case Study for Cyclopentadienyl and Acenaphthylene
    Dong Wang , and Angela Violi
    The Journal of Organic Chemistry, Oct 2006
  6. An improvement in soot formation mechanism using modified HACA techniques
    HR Zhang , Angela Violi, EG Eddings , and 1 more author
    In , Oct 2006


  1. Systematic Coarse-Graining of Nanoparticle Interactions in Molecular Dynamics Simulation
    Sergei Izvekov , Angela Violi, and Gregory A. Voth
    The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, Sep 2005
  2. Cyclodehydrogenation Reactions to Cyclopentafused Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons
    Angela Violi
    The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, Sep 2005
  3. Detailed Modeling of the Molecular Growth Process in Aromatic and Aliphatic Premixed Flames
    A. D’anna , and A. Violi
    Energy & Fuels, Jan 2005
  4. Computational and experimental study of JP-8, a surrogate, and its components in counterflow diffusion flames
    James A. Cooke , Matteo Bellucci , Mitchell D. Smooke , and 4 more authors
    Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, Jan 2005
  5. A Multi-scale Computational Approach for Nanoparticle Growth in Combustion Environments
    Angela Violi, and Gregory A. Voth
    In High Performance Computing and Communications , Jan 2005
  6. The relative roles of acetylene and aromatic precursors during soot particle inception
    Angela Violi, Gregory A. Voth , and Adel F. Sarofim
    Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, Jan 2005
  7. The relative roles of acetylene and aromatic precursors during soot particle inception
    Angela Violi, Gregory A. Voth , and Adel F. Sarofim
    Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, Jan 2005


  1. Kinetics of Hydrogen Abstraction Reactions from Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons by H Atoms
    Angela Violi, Thanh N. Truong , and Adel F. Sarofim
    The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, Jun 2004
  2. Kinetic Monte Carlo–Molecular Dynamics Approach To Model Soot Inception
    Adel F. Sarofim Angela Violi , and Gregory A. Voth
    Combustion Science and Technology, Jun 2004
  3. A Kinetic Model Of Particulate Carbon Formation In Rich Premixed Flames Of Ethylene And Benzene
    Angela Violi, A D’Anna , and A D’Alessio
    International Journal of Energy for a Clean Environment, Jun 2004
  4. Modeling of soot particle inception in aromatic and aliphatic premixed flames
    Angela Violi
    Combustion and Flame, Jun 2004


  1. Large eddy simulations of accidental fires using massively parallel computers
    Philip Smith , Rajesh Rawat , Jennifer Spinti , and 3 more authors
    In 16th AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference , Jun 2003
  2. Modeling aerosol formation in opposed-flow diffusion flames
    Angela Violi, Andrea D’Anna , Antonio D’Alessio , and 1 more author
    Chemosphere, Jun 2003
  3. A time-scale problem for the formation of soot precursors in premixed flames
    Angela Violi, GA Voth , and AF Sarofim
    In , Jun 2003


  1. Experimental formulation and kinetic model for JP-8 surrogate mixtures
    Combustion Science and Technology, Jun 2002
  2. Mechanistic pathways to explain H/C ratio of soot precursors
    A. F. Sarofim A. Violi , and T. N. Truong
    Combustion Science and Technology, Jun 2002
  3. A fully integrated kinetic monte carlo/molecular dynamics approach for the simulation of soot precursor growth
    A. Violi , A. Kubota , T.N. Truong , and 3 more authors
    Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, Jun 2002
  4. Fully-integrated molecular dynamics kinetic Monte Carlo code: A new tool for the study of soot precursor growth in combustion conditions
    Angela Violi, A Kubota , W Pitz , and 2 more authors
    In , Jun 2002


  1. A reaction pathway for nanoparticle formation in rich premixed flames
    A D’Anna , A Violi , A D’Alessio , and 1 more author
    Combustion and Flame, Jun 2001
  2. A modeling evaluation of the effect of chlorine on the formation of particulate matter in combustion
    Angela Violi, Andrea D’Anna , and Antonio D’Alessio
    Chemosphere, Jun 2001
    Proceedings of the 6th Intl Congress on Toxic combustion
  3. Modelling of particulate formation in opposed diffusion flames
    Angela Violi, AF Sarofim , A D’Anna , and 1 more author
    In , Jun 2001
  4. Quantum mechanical study of molecular weight growth process by combination of aromatic molecules
    A Violi , A.F Sarofim , and T.N Truong
    Combustion and Flame, Jun 2001
  5. The Validation Web Site: A Combustion Collaboratory over the Internet
    Angela Violi, Xiaodong Chen , Gary Lindstrom , and 2 more authors
    In Computational Science - ICCS 2001 , Jun 2001


  1. On the relevance of surface growth in soot formation in premixed flames
    A. D’Alessio , A. D’Anna , P. Minutolo , and 2 more authors
    Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, Jun 2000
  2. Modeling the rich combustion of aliphatic hydrocarbons
    A D’Anna , Angela Violi, and A D’Alessio
    Jun 2000
  3. Experimental and modeling study of particulate formation in high-pressure diesel-like conditions
    Angela Violi, Andrea D’Anna , Antonio D’Alessio , and 2 more authors
    Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, Jun 2000


  1. Modeling of particulate formation in combustion and pyrolysis
    Angela Violi, Andrea D’Anna , and Antonio D’Alessio
    Chemical Engineering Science, Jun 1999


  1. A kinetic model for the formation of aromatic hydrocarbons in premixed laminar flames
    Andrea D’Anna , and Angela Violi
    Symposium (International) on Combustion, Jun 1998
    Twenty-Seventh Sysposium (International) on Combustion Volume One


  1. The effect of temperature on soot inception in premixed ethylene flames
    A Ciajolo , A D’anna , R Barbella , and 2 more authors
    In , Jun 1996