Academic Interests
- Nano-Bio interactions
- Nanoparticles kinetics in gas phase
- Chiral nanoparticles
- Molecular dynamics
- Kinetic Monte Carlo
2009 Ph.D. Chemistry
Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, Italy - Summa cum laude
2005 2nd level diploma Chemistry
Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, Italy - Summa cum laude
2004 B.S. and M.Sc. Chemistry
University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy - Summa cum laude
Professional Affiliations
2012 Fellow
Materials Research Society (MRS) -
2012 Fellow
Combustion Institute (CI) -
2010 Fellow
American Chemical Society (ACS)
2020 Associate Research Scientist
Mechanical Engineering, University of Michigan -
2014 Assistant Research Scientist
Mechanical Engineering, University of Michigan -
2010 Postdoctoral Research Fellow
University of Michigan -
2008 Research Fellow
ETH Zurich -
2004 Research Fellow
University of Pisa
Funding Sources
- DoD/Tardec